Social criticism in David by Miguel Ángel Rojas. An approach based on recognition theory

Keywords: social art, recognition, critical theory, colombian conflict, David by Miguel Ángel Rojas.


This article corroborates Theodor Adorno’s thesis, according to which art can be an interpreter of repressed suffering. Based on an interpretive analysis of the work David, by the artist Miguel Ángel Rojas, the possibilities of art as social criticism are shown, capable of showing the repressed suffering produced by forms of contempt and non-recognition of victims of the Colombian armed conflict, at the same time than the claims and desire for peace and justice of Colombian society, which turns the work of art into an instance of reflection, analysis and discussion about criteria for satisfactory forms of social life. The notions of social criticism and social art are based on the postulates of the Critical Theory of society, especially, on Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition.


Author Biographies

Lauramaría del Pilar Martínez Álvarez, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC)

Candidata a doctora en Artes y Educación, Universidad de Barcelona. Magíster en Educación y Licenciada en Artes Plásticas, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Profesora e investigadora de la UPTC.

Hernán Martínez Ferro, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC)

Doctor en Sociología Jurídica e Instituciones Políticas, Universidad Externado de Colombia. Magíster en Filosofía, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Profesor investigador de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC). Líder del grupo de investigaciones filosóficas Kairós de la UPTC.

How to Cite
Martínez Álvarez, L. del P., & Martínez Ferro, H. (2023). Social criticism in David by Miguel Ángel Rojas. An approach based on recognition theory. The Republican Journal, (34), 189-207. Retrieved from