Linguistic analysis of jurisprudence and transtextuality


This article aims to demostrate the possibility of applying methods of linguistic analysis to the law studies and to the study of the jurisprudence, especially across the Gerard Genette’s theory, the transtextuality. By means of this article there is exposed an adjustment of this theory to apply it to Law. What is claimed is to establish, in a methodical way, the relations that a juridical text or a judgement can have with other texts to be able to understand the scope of these texts. One proposes equally a new methodology of the juridical transtextuality for a global analysis of a concept or a concrete analysis of a case. Finally, there are given two concrete examples of application of this theory across the notion of Effet utile and across the analysis of the decision Didier of the French Conseil d´Etat.


Author Biographies

Rodrigo González Quintero, Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Profesor investigador de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda – Santa Marta. Doctor y magíster en Derecho, Washington University in St. Louis, Estados Unidos. Profesor de Maestría en Derecho Constitucional y Derechos Humanos, Universidad Panamericana México, investigador sénior MinCiencias.

Camilo Guzmán Gómez, Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Profesor titular de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda, título de maestría en Derecho público, Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux 4, doctorado en curso en Derecho público en la Universidad París Saclay, investigador sénior (MinCiencias). Línea de investigación: Análisis crítico de las instituciones.

Andres Sarmiento Lamus, Universidad Sergio Arboleda

Docente investigador de la Universidad Sergio Arboleda, título de maestría, doctorado en curso en la Universidad de Leiden, investigador sénior (MinCiencias). Línea de investigación: Análisis crítico de las instituciones.


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How to Cite
González Quintero, R., Guzmán Gómez, C., & Sarmiento Lamus, A. (2020). Linguistic analysis of jurisprudence and transtextuality. The Republican Journal, 29(29), 89-105. Retrieved from