Gobernabilidad o gobernanza en la gestión del recurso hídrico. el caso colombiano

  • Manuel Alberto Restrepo Medina
  • María Angelica Nieto Rodriguez
Keywords: water resource management, governability, governance, sustainable development, Colombia.


The aim of this article is to establish if water resource management related to water supply, demand, quality, and risks in the Colombian case has transitioned from governability to governance. The concept of water governability refers to institutional competence in the design and effective implementation of socially acceptable public policies. Water governance pertains to transparency, accountability, and responsiveness in the definition and implementation of public policies for water management involving democratic mechanisms and institutions that prioritize social interest articulation. This distinction is important because the governability model is designed to simplify all water management processes related to the adoption and implementation of public policies; however, this approach tends to ignore the fact that water problems are wide reaching and complex as they involve all aspects of society, including culture, the economy, and law. The governance model, by contrast, considers such factors. This article discusses the distinction between water governability and water governance as well as the shift from an integral water resource management model to a water governance paradigm. Next, the particular characteristics of the Colombian case are explained. Finally, the elements of governance within the Colombian system are analyzed to establish whether a transition has been achieved.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.21017/Rev.Repub.2020.v28.a81

Author Biographies

Manuel Alberto Restrepo Medina

Ph D en Derecho, Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio. Magister en Derecho Administrativo, Universidad del Rosario. Magister en Estudios Políticos, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Especialista en Legislación Financiera, Universidad de los Andes. Abogado, Universidad del Rosario. Profesor titular de carrera académica de la Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá.

María Angelica Nieto Rodriguez

Especialista en Derecho Sustantivo y Contencioso Constitucional, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Abogada, Universidad del Rosario. Estudiante de la maestría en derecho administrativo de la Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá.


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How to Cite
Restrepo Medina, M., & Nieto Rodriguez, M. (2020). Gobernabilidad o gobernanza en la gestión del recurso hídrico. el caso colombiano. The Republican Journal, 28(28), 159-178. Retrieved from https://urepublicana.edu.co/ojs/index.php/revistarepublicana/article/view/610